Sunday, November 27, 2011

X'mas Sale - 20%* off any set of 3 decants of extraits/parfums

From as little as 3 ml

A satisfied customer's decants of precious vintage parfums...shipped securely & safely!

* subject to 4.5% adjustment for Paypal fee for fund transfers

Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11 - Prices of extrait/parfum decants rising to $8 per millilitre

It is with great regret that I have to raise the prices of decants of my vintage parfums & extraits by $2 due to three reasons:

- Decanting involves a small degree of loss of precious juice so the price hike will defray this 'hidden' cost.

- The demand has been strong because of attractive pricing and naturally prices rise when supplies dwindle.

- Paypal charges a fee of 4.5% for all transfers of payments.

The good news is that the prices of the EDPs & EDTs and colognes are unchanged,and the same goes for parfums with their own indicated prices.